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Coding Excellence with Python:
Explore Online Training!

Embark on a transformative journey to unlock the depths of Python mastery through engaging and immersive online training experiences.

Coding Excellence with Python:
Explore Online Training!

Embark on a transformative journey to unlock the depths of Python mastery through engaging and immersive online training experiences.

Python Online Training From India

Python is one of the most popular and fastest-growing programming languages today due to its versatility, simplicity and huge community support. As one of the best Python training institutes in India, we offer comprehensive online training programs to help you master Python programming.

Features of Python Online Training Programs

Our Python online courses are designed to provide an interactive learning experience. Some key features include:

Expert instructors

Our Python online training programs are taught by instructors with 5+ years of industry experience building applications and products using Python. This real-world expertise allows them to provide practical insights.

Self-paced video modules

The core training content is delivered via engaging, pre-recorded video tutorials that allow you to learn at your own pace. You can watch them anytime.

Live webinars

In addition to self-paced modules, there are live virtual sessions scheduled weekly/monthly for doubt resolutions, course updates, industry tips etc.

Real-world projects

As part of the training, you will work on 2-3 real-world Python projects to apply your coding skills on the kind of tasks/problems that you may encounter at a Python development job.

Certification of completion

Upon meeting the assessment criteria, you'll receive a credential from RR Swift validating your new Python programming skills - adding value to your portfolio.

Lifetime access

Even after course completion, you'll have lifetime access to the learning resources like tutorials, projects, code templates etc. to refresh your knowledge.

Job assistance

Our dedicated placement cell will guide you with tailored resumes, mock interviews and job referrals within our employer network to fast-track your job search success.

Access to community forum

You can participate in the peer-to-peer forum to discuss Python-related queries, projects, career growth opportunities with fellow learners and alumni members.

Our Range of Services for AWS Online Training

AWS online job support from India serves as a valuable resource for individuals and professionals aiming to excel in the competitive world of cloud computing. With tailored guidance, real-world insights, and the flexibility of online assistance, you can navigate the complexities of AWS with confidence, ultimately enhancing your career prospects. AWS online job support at RR Swift Solutions enables you to leverage the expertise of AWS professionals to propel your cloud journey forward.

We offer a comprehensive range of services for AWS online job support, ensuring that you receive the guidance and assistance you need to excel in your AWS-related endeavors.

1. AWS Service Implementation and Configuration
Our experts will guide you through the process of setting up various AWS services, ensuring they are aligned with your business needs. Whether it’s EC2 instances, S3 storage, VPC configurations, or any other AWS service, we provide step-by-step assistance, ensuring your resources are optimized for performance, security, and scalability.
2. Performance Optimization
Our professionals will help you identify performance bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and enhance the responsiveness of your applications. From monitoring and analyzing metrics to recommending improvements and implementing best practices, we’ll ensure your AWS infrastructure operates at its best.
3. Database Management
We offer guidance in setting up and managing AWS database services such as Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and Amazon Aurora. Our experts assist in database design, optimization, scaling, and backup strategies, ensuring your data is secure, available, and well-organized.
4. Machine Learning on AWS
Our experts can walk you through the process of building machine learning models on AWS using services like Amazon SageMaker. From data preprocessing to model training and deployment, we’ll help you harness the power of AI to make informed decisions.
5. Backup and Disaster Recovery
We guide you in implementing robust backup and disaster recovery strategies on AWS. Whether it’s setting up automated backups, configuring cross-region replication, or devising recovery plans, our professionals ensure your data remains safe and recoverable.
6. Migration to AWS
Migrating your applications and workloads to AWS requires careful planning and execution. Our experts offer comprehensive support throughout the migration process. We help you assess your existing infrastructure, devise migration strategies, and execute the move while minimizing disruptions. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition to AWS with minimal downtime.

What is Python Online Training?

Python online training allows you to learn Python programming and related concepts remotely, without having to attend an in-person class. Our online training programs provide the same curriculum and expert guidance as our offline courses.

Who Benefits from Our Python Online Training Services?

Our Python online course is created for:
Beginners with no prior coding experience.
Software professionals looking to switch careers into Python.
Programmers looking to expand their skill set.
Data scientists and analysts who use Python.
Anyone with interest in Python programming.
Professionals Aiming for Skill Enhancement
Professionals seeking to elevate their data science skills and knowledge can rely on our support to provide them with insights and solutions that lead to skill enhancement and mastery.

Python Online Training Curriculum

  • What is Language?
  • Types of languages
  • Introduction to Translators
  • Compiler
  • Interpreter
  • What is Scripting Language?
  • Types of Script
  • Programming Languages v/s Scripting Languages
  • Difference between Scripting and Programming languages
  • What is the programming paradigm?
  • Procedural programming paradigm
  • Object Oriented Programming paradigm
  • What is Python?
  • Features – Dynamic, Interpreted, Object-oriented, Embeddable, Extensible, Large standard libraries, Free and Open source
  • Why is Python a General Language?
  • Limitations of Python
  • What is PSF?
  • Python implementations
  • Python applications
  • Python versions
  • Difference between Python 2.x and 3.x
  • Difference between Python 3.7 and 3.8
  • Software Development Architectures
  • Python Language Fundamentals
  • Python Implementation Alternatives/Flavors
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers
  • Constants / Literals
  • Data types
  • Python VS JAVA
  • Python Syntax
  • Different Modes of Python
  • Interactive Mode
  • Scripting Mode
  • Programming Elements
  • Structure of Python program
  • First Python Application
  • Comments in Python
  • Python file extensions
  • Setting Path in Windows
  • Edit and Run python program without IDE
  • Edit and Run python program using IDEs
  • Programmers View of Interpreter
  • What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
  • Python Debugger
  • Variables
  • bytes Data Type
  • byte array
  • String Formatting in Python
  • Math, Random, Secrets Modules
  • Introduction
  • Initialization of variables
  • Local variables
  • Global variables
  • ‘global’ keyword
  • Input and Output operations
  • Data conversion functions – int(), float(), complex(), str(), chr(), ord()
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Shift operators
  • Membership Operators
  • Identity Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Operator precedence
  • Difference between “is” vs “==”
  • Input & Output Operators
  • Print
  • Input
  • Command-line arguments
  • Control Statements
  • Introduction
  • Importance of Data structures
  • Applications of Data structures
  • Types of Collections
    • Sequence
      • Strings, List, Tuple, range
    • Non-sequence
      • Set, Frozen set, Dictionary
  • Strings
    • What is string
    • Representation of Strings
    • Processing elements using indexing
    • Processing elements using Iterators
    • Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing
    • String operators
    • Methods of String object
    • String Formatting
    • String functions
    • String Immutability
    • Case studies
  • List Collection
  • Tuple Collection
  • Set Collection
  • Dictionary Collection
  • What is Function?
  • Advantages of functions
  • Syntax and Writing function
  • Calling or Invoking function
  • Classification of Functions
    • No arguments and No return values
    • With arguments and No return values
    • With arguments and With return values
    • No arguments and With return values
  • Recursion
  • Python argument type functions :
    • Default argument functions
    • Required(Positional) arguments function
    • Keyword arguments function
    • Variable arguments functions
    • ‘pass’ keyword in functions
  • Lambda functions/Anonymous functions
  • map()
  • filter()
  • reduce()
  • Nested functions
  • Non-local variables, global variables
  • Closures
  • Decorators
  • Generators
  • Iterators
  • Monkey patching
  • Python Modules
    • Importance of modular programming
    • What is module
    • Types of Modules – Predefined, User defined.
    • User-defined modules creation
    • Functions based modules
    • Class based modules
    • Connecting modules
    • Import module
    • From … import
    • Module alias / Renaming module
    • Built-In properties of the module
  • Packages
    • Organizing python project into packages
    • Types of packages – pre-defined, user-defined.
    • Package v/s Folder
    • py file
    • Importing package
  • PIP
    • Introduction to PIP
    • Installing PIP
    • Installing Python packages
    • Uninstalling Python packages
  • Procedural v/s Object-oriented programming
  • Principles of OOP – Encapsulation, Abstraction (Data Hiding)
  • Classes and Objects
    • How to define class in python
    • Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
    • Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
  • Object initialization
  • ‘self’ reference variable
  • ‘cls’ reference variable
  • Access modifiers – private(__), protected(_), public
  • AT property class
  • Property() object
  • Creating object properties using setattr, getattr functions
  • Encapsulation(Data Binding)
  • What is polymorphism?
  • Overriding
    • i) Method overriding
    • ii) Constructor overriding
  • Overloading
    • i) Method Overloading
    • ii) Constructor Overloading
    • iii) Overloading
  • Class reusability
  • Composition
  • Aggregation
  • Inheritance – single, multi-level, multiple, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance and Diamond inheritance
  • Constructors in inheritance
  • Object class
  • super()
  • Runtime polymorphism
  • Method overriding
  • Method resolution order(MRO)
  • Method overriding in Multiple inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
  • Duck typing
  • Concrete Methods in Abstract Base Classes
  • Difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation
  • Inner classes
    • Introduction
    • Writing inner class
    • Accessing class-level members of inner class
    • Accessing object-level members of inner class
    • Local inner classes
    • Complex inner classes
    • Case studies
  • What is an Exception?
  • Why exception handling?
  • Syntax error v/s Runtime error
  • Exception codes – AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
  • Handling exception – try except block
  • Try with multi except
  • Handling multiple exceptions with a single except block
  • Finally block
  • Try-except-finally
  • Try with finally
  • Case study of the finally block
  • Raise keyword
  • Custom exceptions / User-defined exceptions
  • Need for Custom exceptions
  • Case studies
  • Understanding regular expressions
  • String v/s Regular expression string
  • “re” module functions
    • Match()
    • Search()
    • Split()
    • Findall()
    • Compile()
    • Sub()
    • Subn()
  • Expressions using operators and symbols
  • Simple character matches
  • Special characters
  • Character classes
  • Mobile number extraction
  • Mail extraction
  • Different Mail ID patterns
  • Data extraction
  • Password extraction
  • URL extraction
  • Vehicle number extraction
  • Case study
  • Python Logging
  • Date & Time module
  • OS module
  • Shell script commands
  • Various OS operations in Python
  • Python file system shell methods
  • Creating files and directories
  • Removing files and directories
  • Shutdown and Restart system
  • Renaming files and directories
  • Executing system commands
  • Garbage collection
    • Introduction
    • Importance of Manual garbage collection
    • Self-reference objects garbage collection
    • ‘gc’ module
    • Collect() method
    • Threshold function
    • Case studies
  • Python Data Base Communications(PDBC)
  • Python – Network Programming
    • What are Sockets?
    • What is Socket Programming?
    • The socket Module
    • Server Socket Methods
    • Connecting to a server
    • A simple server-client program
      • Server
      • Client
  • Tkinter & Turtle
    • Introduction to GUI programming
    • Tkinter module
    • Tk class
    • Components / Widgets
      • Label , Entry , Button , Combo, Radio
    • Types of Layouts
    • Handling events
    • Widgets properties
    • Case studies
  • Numpy
    • Introduction
  • Scipy
    • Introduction
  • Arrays
  • Data Types
  • Matrices
  • N dimension arrays
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • Pandas
    • Introduction
  • Data Frames
    • Merge, Join, Concat
  • MatPlotLib introduction
    • Drawing plots
  • Introduction to Machine learning
  • Types of Machine Learning?
  • Introduction to Data science
  • Introduction to PYTHON Django
  • What is Web framework?
  • Why Frameworks?
  • Define MVT Design Pattern
  • Difference between MVC and MVT
  • Pandas – Introduction
  • Pandas – Environment Setup
  • Pandas – Introduction to Data Structures
  • Pandas — Series
  • Pandas – DataFrame
    • DataFrame
    • Create DataFrame
    • Create an Empty DataFrame
    • Create a DataFrame from Lists
    • Create a DataFrame from Dict of ndarrays / Lists
    • Create a DataFrame from List of Dicts
    • Create a DataFrame from Dict of Series
    • Column Selection
    • Column Addition
    • Column Deletion
    • Row Selection, Addition, and Deletion
  • Pandas – Panel
  • Pandas – Basic Functionality
    • DataFrame Basic Functionality
  • Pandas – Descriptive Statistics
    • Functions & Description
    • Summarizing Data
  • Pandas – Function Application
    • Table-wise Function Application
    • Row or Column Wise Function Application
    • Element Wise Function Application
  • Pandas – Reindexing
    • Reindex to Align with Other Objects
    • Filling while ReIndexing
    • Limits on Filling while Reindexing
  • Renaming
  • Pandas – Iteration
    • Iterating a DataFrame
    • iteritems()
    • iterrows()
    • itertuples()
  • Pandas – Sorting
    • By Label
    • Sorting Algorithm
  • Pandas – Working with Text Data
  • Pandas – Options and Customization
    • get_option(param)
    • set_option(param,value)
    • reset_option(param)
    • describe_option(param)
    • option_context()
  • Pandas – Indexing and Selecting Data
  • Pandas – Statistical Functions
  • Pandas – Window Functions
  • Pandas – Aggregations
    • Applying Aggregations on DataFrame
  • Pandas – Missing Data
  • Pandas – GroupBy
  • Pandas – Merging/Joining
  • Pandas – Concatenation
  • Pandas – Date Functionality
  • Pandas – Timedelta
  • Pandas – Categorical Data
    • Object Creation
  • Pandas – Visualization
    • Bar Plot
    • Histograms
    • Box Plots
    • Area Plot
    • Scatter Plot
    • Pie Chart
  • Pandas – IO Tools
    • csv
  • Pandas – Sparse Data
  • Pandas – Caveats & Gotchas
  • Pandas – Comparison with SQL
    • Data Type Objects (dtype)

Our Approach to AWS Online Training

We recognize the importance of personalized guidance and practical experience. Our approach entails connecting you with seasoned AWS professionals who not only understand the theoretical aspects but also excel in real-world implementations. With a focus on hands-on assistance, troubleshooting, and skill enhancement, we ensure that your journey through AWS is marked by confidence, competence, and accomplishment.
Real-Time Solutions for AWS Challenges

Experience immediate relief with our experts' rapid responses, ensuring you efficiently address AWS hurdles and maintain project momentum.

Project-Centric AWS Support for Your Goals

Tailored to your project's unique requirements, our guidance ensures you achieve AWS objectives effectively and align with your overarching goals.

Enhance Your AWS Skills with Guided Support

Elevate your AWS expertise through hands-on support, gaining practical insights that empower you to navigate AWS intricacies with confidence.

Comprehensive AWS Problem-Solving Approach

Embrace a holistic problem-solving strategy that encompasses diverse AWS issues, empowering you to overcome challenges across the spectrum of services.

Continuous AWS Mastery Through Personalized Guidance

Cultivate lasting AWS proficiency with ongoing personalized mentorship, ensuring you stay ahead by continually refining your skills with expert assistance.

Skill Strengthening - Mastering PHP Proficiency

We empower you with knowledge, fostering the growth and mastery of PHP's intricacies.

Flexible Access

Access your training materials 24/7 to accommodate your schedule and location.

Continuous Learning Path for PHP Excellence

Our commitment goes beyond issue resolution; we pave the way for continuous learning and the pursuit of PHP excellence.


Our ultimate goal is your success. We measure our effectiveness by the positive impact our support has on your project outcomes and skill growth.

Collaborative Approach

We work closely with you, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange that empowers you to become more self-reliant over time.

Why Choose RR Swift Python Online Training Course?

Experience AWS support that bridges the India-USA gap. Our seasoned AWS professionals provide tailored, cost-effective guidance, aligning with your local time zones. Enjoy flexible scheduling, project-specific assistance, and comprehensive skill enhancement, eliminating the need for full-time hiring.
Industry expert trainers
As mentioned earlier, real-world practitioners with extensive Python experience will train you. This adds more context and practical insights.
Small batch sizes
To ensure personalized guidance to every learner, we limit the batch sizes to 10-15 people. You get individual attention.
Guaranteed job assistance
Our placement team focuses on helping transition learners into Python developer roles through resume help, mock interviews and via our employer partnerships. We provide guaranteed assistance.
Access to alumni network
After course completion, you’ll get access to our network of alumni working as Python developers where you can get mentorship, explore job referrals and career growth opportunities within the community.
Flexible course modules
Our online training content and timetables are designed to meet the scheduling needs of working professionals too via self-paced modules that you can complete as per your pace and convenience.
Affordable fees
We offer high value training at lower fees compared to only-offline training providers. EMI options are also available.
Hands-on training on live projects
As highlighted earlier, working on 2-3 real-world Python projects gives hands-on application of concepts learned.
Certification recognized by top tech companies
Large tech employers recognize RR Swift’s program completion certificate while hiring Python developers since it validates practical skills.

Unlock Python Mastery: Inquire About Training Now!

    FAQ's About Python Online Training Course

    Our Python course is designed for beginners with no prior coding experience. We start from the basics and gradually progress to advanced concepts.
    You just need a computer with internet access to attend the training sessions and complete assignments. The learning resources and Python editor are cloud-hosted.
    Our dedicated placement team will guide you with tailored resume preparation, mock interviews and referrals to potential employers in our network.
    We offer both short-term Python bootcamps over 3-6 months as well as comprehensive certification programs up to 1 year. You can choose one to match your learning goals.
    Yes, you’ll receive a certificate upon meeting the assessment criteria and finishing the training program. This credential validates your Python skills.


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