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Empower Your Cloud Journey:
AWS Training from India Awaits

Unleash the Potential of AWS Expertise

Empower Your Cloud Journey:
AWS Training from India Awaits

Unleash the Potential of AWS Expertise

AWS Online Training From India

Today, the world is driven by technology. In this fast-paced world of technology, competence in cloud computing is a must for IT professionals. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the market leader, that provides a wide spectrum of services and solutions for cloud computing. However, implementing AWS is not easy, professionals often face challenges due to its complex nature or while dealing with real-life situations.

Features of the AWS Online Training Programs

We at RR Swift Solutions, provide in-depth learning experiences through

AWS Service Implementation and Configuration

Performance Optimization

Database Management

Machine Learning on AWS

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Migration to AWS

Our Range of Services for AWS Online Training

AWS online job support from India serves as a valuable resource for individuals and professionals aiming to excel in the competitive world of cloud computing. With tailored guidance, real-world insights, and the flexibility of online assistance, you can navigate the complexities of AWS with confidence, ultimately enhancing your career prospects. AWS online job support at RR Swift Solutions enables you to leverage the expertise of AWS professionals to propel your cloud journey forward.

We offer a comprehensive range of services for AWS online job support, ensuring that you receive the guidance and assistance you need to excel in your AWS-related endeavors.

1. AWS Service Implementation and Configuration
Our experts will guide you through the process of setting up various AWS services, ensuring they are aligned with your business needs. Whether it’s EC2 instances, S3 storage, VPC configurations, or any other AWS service, we provide step-by-step assistance, ensuring your resources are optimized for performance, security, and scalability.
2. Performance Optimization
Our professionals will help you identify performance bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and enhance the responsiveness of your applications. From monitoring and analyzing metrics to recommending improvements and implementing best practices, we’ll ensure your AWS infrastructure operates at its best.
3. Database Management
We offer guidance in setting up and managing AWS database services such as Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and Amazon Aurora. Our experts assist in database design, optimization, scaling, and backup strategies, ensuring your data is secure, available, and well-organized.
4. Machine Learning on AWS
Our experts can walk you through the process of building machine learning models on AWS using services like Amazon SageMaker. From data preprocessing to model training and deployment, we’ll help you harness the power of AI to make informed decisions.
5. Backup and Disaster Recovery
We guide you in implementing robust backup and disaster recovery strategies on AWS. Whether it’s setting up automated backups, configuring cross-region replication, or devising recovery plans, our professionals ensure your data remains safe and recoverable.
6. Migration to AWS
Migrating your applications and workloads to AWS requires careful planning and execution. Our experts offer comprehensive support throughout the migration process. We help you assess your existing infrastructure, devise migration strategies, and execute the move while minimizing disruptions. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition to AWS with minimal downtime.

What is AWS Online Training?

AWS online training program equips you to deal with the intricacies of cloud computing through our expert assistance and remote access. Our training program is designed to guide individuals who are seeking to enhance their AWS skills and even professionals who are handling AWS projects. This service ensures that your deliverables are achieved as per your schedule.

Who Benefits from Our AWS Online Training Services?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud technology, staying ahead requires more than just theoretical knowledge. Our AWS online job support services cater to a diverse audience seeking practical expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional aiming to enhance your skills, a developer tackling AWS challenges, or an organization looking to bolster your team’s capabilities, our services are tailored to empower you with hands-on guidance. We bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and real-world application, ensuring that individuals and businesses alike can thrive in the dynamic world of AWS.
Professionals Tackling Complex Data Challenges
For those facing intricate data dilemmas, our support provides invaluable assistance in navigating the intricacies of data science, ensuring successful project outcomes.
Remote Teams and Independent Practitioners
Remote teams and solo practitioners benefit from our virtual support, gaining access to expert insights and targeted solutions that transcend geographical boundaries.
Aspiring Data Science Professionals
Aspiring data scientists looking to embark on their journey or enhance their skills find a valuable resource in our services, enabling them to build a strong foundation and explore advanced techniques.
Organizations Initiating Data Projects
Organizations embarking on data initiatives can tap into our support for guidance and practical solutions, ensuring their data-driven projects are built on a strong foundation and follow best practices.
Beginners and intermediate AWS developers
Cloud Engineers
Organisations that intend to boost their business

AWS Online Training Curriculum

  • Introduction to cloud computing
  • Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
  • Service Models in Cloud Computing
  • Deployment models in Cloud Computing
  • Introduction to AWS
  • AWS Account creation & free tier limitations overview
  • Root Account Vs IAM user
  • Multi-Factor Authentication for Users
  • IAM Password Policies
  • Creating Customer Managed Policies
  • Groups
  • Roles
  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Storage Classes
  • Versioning
  • Cross-region replication
  • Life Cycle Management
  • Security & Encryption
  • Static Web Hosting with S3 bucket
  • Events configuration on S3 buckets
  • Enabling cross-account access for S3
  • S3 Data management and backup using 3rd Party applications.
  • S3 Cross-Account Access and Pre-Signed URLs
  • Storage Gateway
  • Basics of Linux for AWS
  • Linux Installation and Basic commands overview
  • Web Server and Services Configurations
  • EC2 Instance Launch Wizard
  • EC2 Instance Types
  • Generating custom Public Key and Private keys for EC2 instances
  • Security groups
  • Volumes and Snapshots
  • Creating customized Amazon Machine Images
  • RAID Overview and RAID Configurations
  • User Data and Metadata
  • Elastic Load Balancers & Health Checks
  • Auto Scaling Groups
  • CloudWatch
  • Creating Billing Alarm and EC2 instance alarms.
  • AWS CLI & EC2 Roles
  • Elastic File System
  • AWS Lightsail
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Placement Groups
  • DNS Records overview
  • Routing Policies
  • Hosting sample Website and configuring Policies
  • Simple Routing Policy
  • Latency Routing Policy
  • Failover Routing Policy
  • Weighted Routing Policy
  • Geolocation Routing Policy.
  • Launching RDS Instances (MySQL, MSSQL & Aurora)
  • Multi-AZ & Read Replicas for RDS instances
  • DynamoDB
  • Redshift
  • Elasticache
  • Database Migration Service and Schema conversion tool
  • Networking Basics
  • Creating custom VPCs and custom Subnets
  • Network ACL’s
  • Route Tables & IGW
  • VPC Peering
  • Flow log creation
  • VPN Configuration with AWS (OpenVPN)
  • CloudTrail
  • AWS Config
  • Key Management Services
  • AWS Certificate Manager
  • AWS Inspector
  • AWS Trusted Advisor
  • Content Delivery Networks / CloudFront
  • Simple Email Service
  • Simple Queue Service
  • Simple Workflow Service
  • Simple Notification Service
  • SMS – Server Migration Service
  • Migrating server from on-premises to cloud
  • Cloud Formation
  • Directory Services and Adding EC2 instance to Domain
  • AWS TCO Calculator and Simple Monthly calculator
  • What is DevOps in Cloud
  • Code Pipeline
  • Code Commit, Code Build
  • Code Deploy
  • Lambda

Creating Custom Metrics with Cloud Watch

Our Approach to AWS Online Training

We recognize the importance of personalized guidance and practical experience. Our approach entails connecting you with seasoned AWS professionals who not only understand the theoretical aspects but also excel in real-world implementations. With a focus on hands-on assistance, troubleshooting, and skill enhancement, we ensure that your journey through AWS is marked by confidence, competence, and accomplishment.
Real-Time Solutions for AWS Challenges

Experience immediate relief with our experts' rapid responses, ensuring you efficiently address AWS hurdles and maintain project momentum.

Project-Centric AWS Support for Your Goals

Tailored to your project's unique requirements, our guidance ensures you achieve AWS objectives effectively and align with your overarching goals.

Enhance Your AWS Skills with Guided Support

Elevate your AWS expertise through hands-on support, gaining practical insights that empower you to navigate AWS intricacies with confidence.

Comprehensive AWS Problem-Solving Approach

Embrace a holistic problem-solving strategy that encompasses diverse AWS issues, empowering you to overcome challenges across the spectrum of services.

Continuous AWS Mastery Through Personalized Guidance

Cultivate lasting AWS proficiency with ongoing personalized mentorship, ensuring you stay ahead by continually refining your skills with expert assistance.

Skill Strengthening - Mastering PHP Proficiency

We empower you with knowledge, fostering the growth and mastery of PHP's intricacies.

Flexible Access

Access your training materials 24/7 to accommodate your schedule and location.

Continuous Learning Path for PHP Excellence

Our commitment goes beyond issue resolution; we pave the way for continuous learning and the pursuit of PHP excellence.


Our ultimate goal is your success. We measure our effectiveness by the positive impact our support has on your project outcomes and skill growth.

Collaborative Approach

We work closely with you, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange that empowers you to become more self-reliant over time.

Why Choose RR AWS Online Training Course?

Experience AWS support that bridges the India-USA gap. Our seasoned AWS professionals provide tailored, cost-effective guidance, aligning with your local time zones. Enjoy flexible scheduling, project-specific assistance, and comprehensive skill enhancement, eliminating the need for full-time hiring.

Global Expertise, Local Convenience

Benefit from AWS job support services bridging the gap between India and the USA, providing you with expert guidance while considering your time zones.

Experienced AWS Professionals

Benefit from our team of AWS experts who ensure to cater practical solutions customized as per your requirements.

Cost-Effective Solution

Benefit from our affordable support, without full-time recruiting.

Flexible Scheduling

Enjoy the uninterrupted services from our experts as per your schedule to ensure seamless functioning of your project.

Project-Specific Assistance

Our online training course ensures to provide you with customized guidance specific to your projects.

Comprehensive Skill Enhancement

Elevate your skillset through meaningful and practical insights from our experts.

Transform Your Skills: AWS Online Training Awaits!

    FAQ's about AWS Online Training

    Our AWS online training allows you to access a range of learning resources, including video tutorials, documentation, and practical exercises.
    Yes, live sessions are included in our AWS online training course to encourage interactive participation with our experts.
    Yes, we provide hands-on practice to ensure that you can handle challenges in real-life scenarios.
    Yes, we do provide flexible learning schedules to ensure you get support at your convenience, aligning with your work schedule.
    Yes, we provide you with the industry-recognized certificate on successful completion of AWS training. This certificate also enhances your career prospects.


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